Launch a blog
You might be wondering how an income can be generated from doing this. Well basically it comes down to affiliate links and sales. Below I've included a section from our
Disclaimer and Privacy Policy page:
What's an affiliate link?
In plain terms, this is basically a link to a product on a supplier's website (like for example, Amazon). When a person clicks on the link and makes a purchase, we would recieve a small commission from that purchase.
Does clicking an affiliate link affect the price of things?
No it doesn't. All that happens is that the vendor gives us a small commission for driving a customer to their website.
So then, why should I care?
In the past, people have abused affiliate links to the point where it became necessary to require affiliates to give a heads up to site visitors when such links are being used.
What's the benefit?
Well nothing changes on your end. There is a small monetary benefit for us which helps us to offset our costs and generate a small income to help us function. Every little bit helps, so clicking the link and making a purchase definitely helps us out and we greatly appreciate it.
Hopefully that clarifies things a bit. As stated elswhere on our site, we follow
Will Prowse on YouTube. He specializes in solar and we've learned a lot from him. He posts affiliate links with his youtube videos and makes
upwards of $30k per month! Wow. I'll assure you, we're not making anything like that. At least, not unless we're dreaming. We haven't made 35 cents on this blog to be honest. We're just starting out though.
Now starting a blog does require a bit more technical know-how than the other options. The reasons for us launching this one are two-fold. One, its a great way to keep family and friends updated on the crazy stuff that we're doing out here. And two, we hope that it will become an income stream. Not just through the affiliate links but also with our
t-shirts. If you have time and are resourceful and a decent writer, you may want to try starting your own blog.