By Ally
If you would like to make a quick and simple mount for a small panel check this out! When I put this together it was much like cooking without following a recipe, but I'll explain it the best I can - I'm confident anyone can do it :) Prior to this I already constructed two large solar mounts to secure my panels on, and because I did not want to secure the solar panel for our well pump on top of the well pump house (the lid as already questionable), I decided to make a mini version of the solar mount.

Step #1: Build the frame

First I made a rectangle frame out of extra wood that I could attach the solar panel to. I measured the wood from the ends of the solar brackets (I first attached the brackets to the panel), as this was a mistake I made when making the first large panel and had to add extra wood to be able to attach the brackets. I used pieces of 2x4's and other scrap wood that fit. I then attached the solar panel to the wood frame.
Build solar mount frame, part 1

Build solar mount frame, part 2

Step #2: Figure out the angle

Next I measured wood (4x4's) to the approximate height needed to give the solar panel the best angle. This was based on how I have had the solar panel positioned for a while - just leaning on our water tank - although I would have to hide it when it was windy or it would fall over! I was not precise with measuring the cut for the height, but it worked out :-)
Figure out the angle, part 1

Figure out the angle, part 2

Step #3: Attach the legs

Finally I needed to connect them together for more security and strength. Now that it had “legs” I made cross bars attaching the legs to the bottom of the panel area and cross bars to secure the two legs together. And wa la! This only took about an hour or so and I'm still learning. Now I have a mini mount that is cute and has been sturdy in the wind!
Attach the legs

Finished mini solar mount