![The Earthbag Mini-Shed The Earthbag Mini-Shed]()
Today I'm going to show you how I built my mini-shed. You may be wondering what a mini-shed is though.
Well earlier this year when my solar generators went out in a blaze of glory (
you can read all the sordid details about that here), so did the storage container that housed them. I'd built that out of wood and while it was rather easy to build, I wanted something this time that was less flammable. Go figure ...
So for my new generator, I decided to build a storage container out of earthbags because I didn't like leaving it outside exposed to the elements. I also didn't like lugging all 50+ lbs of it up the stairs into my trailer on a regular basis. For sure that would have been great training if I was preparing for some sort of weight lifting competition, but I wasn't. So I was abundantly less than joyful about this. I digress though.
Regarding the mini-shed, I didn't want to build anything big because I didn't want to spend a boatload of time doing it. And since its primary function was to house and protect my generator, I figured that small would suffice. So out of that idea, the mini-shed was born!
It really worked out great because it's just the right sized project for a beginner and a solo builder. I would say that collectively, from start to finish (well almost finished), it took me maybe 3 weeks or so to build. Now granted, that 3 weeks was stretched out over the span of about a month and a half because I work full-time and have other things to tend to. But overall, it was very manageable.
My friends and I had already built my
pumphouse with earthbags, but this was my first foray into incorporating actual windows and doors into a build. I put two doors and two small windows on it. I wanted to have good ventilation through it and also I wanted to be able to have access from both sides to make it easier to get to things.
The interior size is not very big but surprisingly, I'm able to get a lot of stuff in there as you'll see in the pictures below. At the end I'll highlight the mistakes that I made which will hopefully help you to not duplicate them in your builds.
Let's jump into it: