By Ally
Leaking faucet It's a shame I didn't get a video of the water leaking and then gushing from the middle of our kitchen faucet every time we briefly turned it on. The RV wasn't new when we got it and clearly the wear and tear over time had been enough for the faucet and it rebelled. Since we wanted to try and fix it before buying a new one, we tried as many "fix its" as we could from various glues, to plumbers tape to heavy duty gorilla tape, etc. Yet, alas, the water still somehow found a way to escape.

We were going out of town shortly after this happened and so I ordered a replacement faucet so that it would be there before we returned and then I could fix it. And honesty, it was a simple and quick replacement!

Step 1: Remove The Broken Faucet

In this step I started with removing the piece that was broken as you can see in the pictures. If you are just replacing the whole thing without any part being broken then you would skip this.

Old leaking faucet Faucet partially removed

Next I cleared a space under the sink to be able to access the piping that I needed to loosen (it was tight!) As you can see in the pictures the blue and red piping is connected to the hot and cold water knobs. I didn't even need any tools for those as I was able to just simply unscrew then. It was a bit harder for one that was on tighter, but neither of ours were tight enough that I needed any tools to help.

Work area cleared Under sink piping Under sink piping
After they were removed, all I needed was a simple screwdriver to remove the latch that was holding the rest of the faucet into place. Once that was loosened and turned to the side it was simple to pull up the remainder of the faucet from up top. So nice to have it gone! Now in with the new.

Step #2: Install Shiny New Faucet

So nice and shiny in it's package, though I know it won't always look this great :) From the top I simply inserted the new sink faucet into the open slot.

New faucet in the box New faucet partially installed

Once everything was lined up, I got back under the sink and began the process again, in reverse. With our handy dandy screwdriver I secured the latch back in place.

Water connections Hot and cold water lines

Next I attached the blue and red piping back to the knobs for the hot and cold water - make sure you get the correct sides - unless you want to confuse someone ;) Secure tightly (but not too tight)

And voila - look at that, a brand new and improved faucet. Besides being bright and shiny, this one has more range of motion and has different types of spray options which is great.

New faucet fully installed

Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

It was so easy, a child could do it! In fact it would likely be much easier because they would fit much more comfortably under the sink - that was the hardest part! :) Let us know what fixes you've had to make in your RV and how you were able to take care of them yourself!